
Network & Provider Performance

Assess your overall system insights and contract with providers based on quality-of-care administration, cost of care delivery, and the impact on your organization’s performance.

Key Insights & Value Drivers

Provider Quality Evaluation

Assess the quality performance of in- and out-of-network providers and provider groups through analysis of preventive service delivery, reattribution, utilization benchmarks, and other value-based metrics.

Provider Recruitment

Discover organic beneficiary referral pathways to identify opportunities for recruitment of out-of-network providers to reduce leakage, drive membership growth, and strengthen provider mix.

Vertedge Care Coordination Index (VCCI)

Leverage our proprietary VCCI metric to identify beneficiaries receiving highly uncoordinated care to better direct care coordination efforts with their associated PCPs.

Hidden Communities of Care

Leverage our knowledge graph capabilities to detect hidden communities of care, referral activity, and inefficient providers with the greatest impact on your network.

Beneficiary Reattribution Risk

Identify beneficiaries at risk of reattribution to another ACO or at risk of being removed from your current attribution list.

Consolidated System Analysis

Aggregated analysis of multi-network systems or multiple performance regions through a unified viewpoint.

Vertedge’s Health of the Healthcare Network Insights

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