Discover a simpler solution to optimize performance in value-based care…

Vertedge’s intuitive, workflow-based analytics platform enables non-technical users to extract valuable insights for use-cases that matter, providing purpose-built data and visualizations to identify the root causes of elevated costs, unnecessary utilization, and other areas of untapped value… all within a matter of minutes.

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Make Your Data Analytics Leading-Edge

Vertedge provides a full suite of user-friendly and intuitive data analytics solutions that transform how your team utilizes data to drive performance improvements. With ready-made and dynamic reports, you can access situation-specific insights instantly from a centralized view.

Beneficiary Referral Management

Uncover multi-order referral patterns to expose hidden insights into areas within your network where care and revenue are leaking to unaffiliated PCPs or redundant providers.

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HCC Risk Recapture

Expose real-time gaps in Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) risk coding for potentially missing and/or emerging codes within your attributed population to pinpoint specific beneficiaries and cohorts for targeted remediation

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Rising Risk Prediction

Leverage AI/ML and advanced predictive analytics to understand the HCC risk trajectory of your beneficiary population to enable more informed benchmarking and resource allocation decision-making.

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Network & Provider Performance

Evaluate the performance of healthcare providers and/or provider groups by analyzing user-defined quality and utilization metrics, together with beneficiary attribution risk reports based on PCPs for network optimization.

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Population Health, Utilization & Equity

Monitor population health patterns to uncover hidden cohorts with high-propensity or otherwise disproportionate utilization to deliver better care for underserved populations.

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Post-Acute Candidate Identification

Quickly identify the most eligible candidates within your contracted network for programs, including GUIDE, palliative, and hospice care to provide patients with more cost-effective and elevated post-acute care journeys

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Beneficiary Referral Management

Uncover multi-order referral patterns to expose hidden insights into areas within your network where care and revenue are leaking to unaffiliated PCPs or redundant providers.

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HCC Risk Recapture

Expose real-time gaps in Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) risk coding for potentially missing and/or emerging codes within your attributed population to pinpoint specific beneficiaries and cohorts for targeted remediation

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Rising Risk Prediction

Leverage AI/ML and advanced predictive analytics to understand the HCC risk trajectory of your beneficiary population to enable more informed benchmarking and resource allocation decision-making.

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Network & Provider Performance

Evaluate the performance of healthcare providers and/or provider groups by analyzing user-defined quality and utilization metrics, together with beneficiary attribution risk reports based on PCPs for network optimization.

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Population Health, Utilization & Equity

Monitor population health patterns to uncover hidden cohorts with high-propensity or otherwise disproportionate utilization to deliver better care for underserved populations.

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Post-Acute Candidate Identification

Quickly identify the most eligible candidates within your contracted network for programs, including GUIDE, palliative, and hospice care to provide patients with more cost-effective and elevated post-acute care journeys

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Integrate through multiple APIs and export Vertedge insights to other business intelligence platforms and/or directly to CSV files.


Centralized View

Aggregate ACO, commercial plan, and Medicare Advantage plan data in one centralized location to analyze your network holistically.


Speed to Insight

Receive instant insights into multiple dimensions of network performance with continuous updating as new data is processed.


Speed to Value

Leverage Vertedge insights and support to quickly initiate remediation campaigns and capture available opportunities for performance improvement.


Effortless Onboarding & Implementation

Enjoy a streamlined and substantially hands-off process, supported by training from our dedicated customer success team.


Automatic Data Ingestion

Leverage a seamless connection to continuously deliver your most recent claims data to Vertedge via CMS’ Beneficiary Claims Data API (BCDA) or other claims APIs.


Analytics Service Desk

Secure remote Vertedge support for ad hoc and custom insight requests to meet your changing business requirements.


PMPM-Based Pricing

Maximize your shared savings dollars with straightforward pricing.

Who We Serve


Analyze your organization’s performance to find cohorts or providers in most need of intervention.

Medicare Advantage

Close risk coding gaps within your membership to drive performance improvements.


Uncover population health trends and utilization metrics for more favorable contracting and improved beneficiary experiences.

Post-Acute Providers

Rapidly identify the most eligible candidates within your population for post-acute programs.

Our Client-Partners

Vertedge’s Health of the Healthcare Network Insights

Ready to Illuminate Your Data with Vertedge

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